Is Your WordPress Blog in Danger of Getting Hacked?
When you sign-up to the WP Backpack newsletter, you’ll also get access to a FREE video series on how to protect your hard work and content.
Each video is short and simple, so you can apply what you learn right away, even if you don’t think you’re a technical person.
Here’s what you’ll learn when you join:
- How to properly backup your blog (most people do this wrong, and if something goes wrong, they’ll lose everything)
- A simple one-click tip you can apply right now that will dramatically reduce the chances of anyone hacking your blog
- How to delete your way to more security (and less threat)
- The power of picking the right username (and what happens when you don’t)
- How to select a password that holds up under attack (you’ll be surprised at which passwords are weak, and which are strong)
- The importance of keeping your computer clean (and how to do that)
And that’s just a quick taste of what you’ll learn in the absolutely FREE video series.
You’ll also get the WP Backpack newsletter, which will deliver practical tips straight to your inbox about once a week.
When you’re ready to make your WordPress blog more secure, simply fill in your favorite email below and you’ll get instant access to the first video.
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